Crypto spot data
Cryptocurrency Exchange Volume
Monthly spot market volumes across cryptocurrency exchanges.
Daily Exchange Volume
Spot market total volume for cryptocurrency exchanges – includes Binance, Binance US, Bitbank, Bitfinex, bitFlyer, Bitget, Bithumb, BitMEX, Bitso, Bitstamp, Bittrex, ByBit, CEX.IO, Coinbase, Coincheck, Coinone,, Delta Exchange, FTX, FTX US,, Gemini, GOPAX, Huobi, Indodax, itBit, Korbit, Kraken, Kucoin, Liquid, LMAX Digital, Luno, Mercado Bitcoin, OKCoin, OKX, Poloniex, Upbit, and Zaif. Chart uses 7-day moving average.
USD Support Exchange Volume
Spot trade volumes for cryptocurrency exchanges with USD support and USD pairs contributing significant volume.
USD Support Exchange Volume Market Share
Share of spot trade volumes for cryptocurrency exchanges with USD support and USD pairs contributing significant volume.
No USD Support Exchange Volume
Spot trade volumes for cryptocurrency exchanges with no USD support or USD pairs contributing insignificant volumes.
No USD Support Exchange Volume Market Share
Market share of spot trade volumes for cryptocurrency exchanges with no USD support or USD pairs contributing insignificant volumes.
BTC and ETH Total Exchange Volume (7DMA)
Spot market total volume for BTC and ETH across all crypto currency exchanges. Chart uses 7-day moving average.
Share of Trade Volume by Pair Denomination
The percentage of trade volume by pair denomination. Exchanges included in calculation: Binance, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Huobi, OKX, Bittrex, Coinbase, Kraken, Bitstamp.
Monthly Exchange Volume Market Share
Share of spot market volumes for cryptocurrency exchanges. Includes largest exchanges with trustworthy reporting of exchange volume metrics. The methodology is described here and is updated from time to time.
Bid-Ask Spread (BTC/USD, BPS)
Bid-ask spread is the difference the best ask and the best bid. Spread is an indicator of liquidity — the lower the spread, the better for traders. This chart shows the daily moving average on the BTC/USD pair across various exchanges.
Slippage for $100K Sell Order (BTC/USD, BPS)
Price slippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which a trade executes. This chart shows the daily moving average on the BTC/USD pair across various exchanges.
Asian-Based Customer Exchange Volume
We determined where most visitors to exchange websites were coming from based on data from SimilarWeb. These are the monthly volumes for exchanges that had a clear dominance in Asia.
Europe-Based Customer Exchange Volume
We determined where most visitors to exchange websites were coming from based on data from SimilarWeb. These are the monthly volumes for exchanges that had a clear dominance in Europe.
North America-Based Customer Exchange Volume
We determined where most visitors to exchange websites were coming from based on data from SimilarWeb. These are the monthly volumes for exchanges that had a clear dominance in North America.
South America-Based Customer Exchange Volume
We determined where most visitors to exchange websites were coming from based on data from SimilarWeb. These are the monthly volumes for exchanges that had a clear dominance in South America.